2009年4月30日 星期四

涂銘宏教授演講 M9710301, M9710212, M9710302, M9710306



  • All style, no substance?
  • Readers' active involvement (Closure theory)
  • Multiple viewing possibilities (Parallel Universe; Visual "Meanwhile"...)


  • Comic: "justaosed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and/or to produce an aesthetic response in the viewers, "or simply put, "Sequential Art."
    -Form Understanding Comics, Scott McClould(p.9)
  • Pictorial Story-telling in motion (e.g.,四格漫畫)

3."縫合"理論(Closure) "觀察部分:感之整體":

A-B-C:"abserving the parts but parchasing the while"

I. 從時刻到時刻 (moment to moment)-幾乎無須縫合
II. 從動作到動作 (action to action)-單一動作的連動
III. 從角色到角色 (suject to suject)-同一場景或概念
IV. 從場景到場景 (scene to scene)-讀者橫跨大量的時間或空間距離
V. 從視野到視野 (aspect to aspect)-同一地點概念或心情中的不同視角呈現
VI. 非邏輯連結 (non seqnitur)-畫框圖像之間毫無關聯(windering eye)


  • Multiple reasting possibilities of panel-to-panel transitions

5.Synthesis (多層綜合體)框內的多層交疊再現方式

  • "Happening" inside the panel that combines multiple panels/elements(a charactor, a caption , a word balloon, scenery, props, or a sound affect, etc.)

6.漫畫中的文字/文本"Text" in Comic

  • 浮白(Word balloon)
  • 字幕(Caption)
  • 擬聲語(onomatopoela sound effect:轟轟 咑咑)
    ->浮白word balloon - verbal commentaries on/as the visual


  • Alternative Comics and popular histories

8.圖像式的回憶錄 - Garphic memoir

  1. Memory troubles
  2. Animal stereotypes
  3. personal histories V.S history
  4. Problematic of Representations


  • 無聲的音樂之畫:交響情人夢
  • 視覺媒介的轉譯
